Heat Pump Water heater Manufactures in chennai

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Heat Pump Water Heater dealers In Chennai

Heat Pump Water Heater

Heat Pump Water Heater dealers In Chennai

Heat pump water heater is a device that moves heat from the air around to heat water, then satisfy the user's daily demand for hot water. Its working principle is based on the Reverse Carnot Cycle principle. Usually, a heat pump water heater has four main components: evaporator, compressor, condenser and expansion device. The refrigerant is the medium to connect the four parts. Just using a little mount of electric power, the liquid refrigerant in the compressor will be pumped into high temperature and high pressure gas. After flow through the heat exchanger, the heat will be released to heat water to satisfy the user's demand

Solar Water heater Products

Heat Pump Water Heater dealers In Chennai
Salice Exim

Salice Exim
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